Tuesday 30 September 2014

Real ghost story:-

The True Conjuring: Annabelle The Demon Doll


from - paranormal360.co.uk
Already famous for their paranormal investigation on the notorious Amityville case, Ed and Lorraine Warren were asked for their expertise once more. Two twenty-something’s were being haunted by a demonic doll. Sound strange? Not for the Warren’s. Now over forty years later the story of Annabelle – the cursed demonic doll has been brought to the big screen in James Wan’s ‘The Conjuring’. We look at the real story behind the Hollywood blockbuster.

In 1970, Donna a student nurse received an antique Raggedy Ann doll (image on the right shows the Raggedy Ann doll held by Lorraine Warren) from her mother as a birthday present. Taking the doll back to her small apartment which she shared with her room-mate she placed the doll on her bed and thought no more about it until a few days later. At first both woman noted that the doll had started to creep them out, but shortly after they began to notice that the doll had begun to change it’s position and eventually to move to different rooms from which it had been left while the were out.
Finally willing to believe that the spirit was not that of a young girl, Donna contacted a priest named Father Cooke who immediately contacted the Warrens. Ed and Lorraine Warren were already well known for their paranormal investigation into the notorious Amityville case. After speaking to the room-mates, Ed and Lorraine came to the conclusion that the doll itself was not in fact possessed but manipulated by an inhuman presence. Spirits do not possess inanimate objects like houses or toys, they posses people. An inhuman spirit can attach itself to a place or object and this is what occurred. This spirit manipulated the doll and created the illusion of it being alive in order to get recognition. The inhuman presence was not looking to stay attached to the doll, it was looking to posses a human host.

Annabelle – The Curse Of The Demon DollTHE DEMON DOLL

At times Donna and her room-mate Angie would find the doll sitting crossed legged on the couch with its arms folded, other times it was found upright, standing on its feet, leaning against a chair in the dining room. Several times Donna, placing the doll on the couch before leaving for work, would return home to find the doll back in her room on the bed with the door closed.
The doll not only moved but could write too. About a month into their experiences Donna and Angie began to find pencilled messages on parchment paper that read “Help Us”. The hand writing looked to belong to that of a small child.


Annabelle – The Curse Of The Demon DollKnowing that they must do something about the sinister doll, the room-mates contacted a medium who conducted a séance. Through the medium, Donna and Angie were contacted by Annabelle Higgins who told them her story. Annabelle was a young girl who had lived near to where the apartments were built. She was only seven years old when her lifeless body was found in the field upon which the apartment complex now stood.
Annabelle told the women that she felt comfort and safe with them and wanted to stay with them and be loved. Feeling compassion for Annabelle and her story Donna gave her permission to inhibit the doll and stay with them. They were to soon find out however, that Annabelle was not what she seemed to be.
A mutual friend of the room-mates, Lou had never been fond of the doll and had warned Donna to get rid of it. One night his warnings came true. Waking from a deep sleep, Lou found to his horror that he was completely paralysed. Upon looking down at his feet he saw the doll, Annabelle. It began to slowly glide up his leg, moved over his chest and then stopped. Within seconds the doll was strangling him. Paralysed and gasping for breath Lou, at the point of asphyxiation, blacked out. Lou awoke the next morning, certain it wasn’t a dream.
The next terrifying encounter he experienced occurred when he and Angie were alone in the flat preparing for a road trip the next day. Hearing rustling noises from Donna’s room, Lou quietly made his way to the bedroom door. He waited for the noises to stop before entering and turning on the light. The room was empty except for Annabelle whom was tossed on the floor in the corner. Lou searched the room for anything out of place. But as he got close to the doll he got the distinct impression that somebody was behind him. Spinning around he was quick to realize that nobody else was there. Then in flash he found himself grabbing for his chest, doubled over, cut and bleeding. His shirt was stained with blood and upon opening his shirt there on his chest was what looked to be 7 distinct claw marks, three vertically and four horizontally, all were hot like burns. These scratches healed almost immediately, half gone the next day, fully gone by day two.


It first began moving the doll around the apartment by means of teleportation to arouse the occupants curiosity in hopes that they would give it recognition. By bringing a medium into the apartment to communicate with it, the inhuman demonic spirit was then able to communicate and prey on the girls emotional vulnerabilities by pretending to be a harmless, lost young girl with which during the séance, was then allowed permission from Donna to haunt the doll and in turn, the apartment.
The Warrens believed that the next stage of the demonic infestation phenomenon would have been complete human possession. Had these experiences lasted another 2 or 3 more weeks the spirit would have completely possessed, if not harmed or killed one or all of the occupants in the house.
At the conclusion of the investigation the Warrens felt it appropriate to have a recitation of an exorcism blessing by Father Cooke to cleanse the apartment. At Donna’s request, and as a further precaution against the phenomena ever occurring in the home again, the Warrens took the big rag doll along with them when they left. They had a special case built for Annabelle inside the Occult Museum, where she resides to this day.
If you have any real ghost story,
share it with me at -
Come With Me......

By Verena W. Stuttgart, Germany. (paranormal360.co.uk)
My Grandma always used to say “if there’s no proof that something exist, then it’s your imagination and you don’t have to worry about”. I still don’t believe in ghosts, but what happened to me when I was 4-5 years old makes me think about what my Grandma always said over and over again.
It began when I was 4 back in 2002. I still remember it as if it was yesterday. I always saw something on my closet, there is some space between my closet and the room ceiling, the thing looked like a huge light with the silhouette of a human. In the beginning I just looked at it sometimes but ignored it most of the time. After a few months I started to throw stuff on my closet to see if the light is moving or throws it back but nothing happened so I started to talk with it. It whispered and I never really could understand it.
After a week my mother started to ask me why I’m talking with the closet and I always said “I’m not talking with the closet. I talk with the Angel on it”. She never really paid more attention to it, I guess she figured it would be a imaginary friend.
It didn’t change anything until 1 year later, when I was 5, I came home from a friends house that lived like 8min away and ran upstairs to my room. I stopped at the door frame and just stared in my room. The thing wasn’t on my closet anymore, no it was in the middle of my room. And now it spoke clearly and loud to me. It said “Come with me. Come with me.” The angel repeated it all the time until it was right in front of my wide open window. Now it said “Nothing will happen to you. You will come back soon.” Now it was outside my house but still in front of the window. It said again “Come with me”. So I stood on the windowsill.. (I have to say at this point that if I would have jumped, I would be most likely dead, because right under my window is a stair out of stone that leads to the basement, I would have fell at least 6 meters down) .. and was ready to jump into the open arms of the angel, in this moment my mother pulled me away from the window into my room. She had tears in her eyes and pressed me against her.
I explained her what happened and she gave me a pillow and said “If you see it again or if it talks to you again then hug this pillow and close your eyes and wait until it’s gone.” I did what she said and after a few months it was gone. I have never seen it since then. And sometimes I even wish it would come back, just one more time. I really want to know if it would have took me with him or if it would just let me fall down. I want to know if it wanted me to die, if it made me think I’m save to lead me into my death. But one thing is for sure: I will never forget about this thing that I called “Angel”.

If you Have any real ghost story please
send it to me at-

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Real Ghost Stories

1. The Amherstburg Asylum

from paranormal 360
This story then is going to be a little different than my others. Usually I tell a little history of the area and tell my story of my experiences. This time I will tell you my experiences first, because I did not fully know the history of this place before I experienced my encounter with the spirit/spirits of the Asylum.

As a very young child in grade school I joined Cubs (the younger version of Scouts) as a Cub Scout we would often go camping or have sleepovers at public buildings. This particular time we stayed at the old Amherstburg Asylum. At the time we were told it was an old orphanage… Which is also true. (The building has been many things over the years. It has been part of the Fort Malden buildings for many, many years. It was properly known as the Fort Malden Lunatic Asylum.)

So we stayed there the night and all slept on the floor of the main level. The building resembles a very large colonial house of the pioneer times. It is a two and a half story brick house with old wood floors, many wooden windows and a steep old grand staircase. The house is broken up into many rooms. As an old house it seemed harmless. So there were 20 of us Cub Scouts with a few leaders staying over the night. As a young boy I did not have many nightmares. (I guess I was a happy kid.) But this particular night I did.

The night was not a good sleeping night. The house was filled with strange noises (creeks and clunks). I guess this is typical of an old house but the sound of running footsteps upstairs seemed to bother all of us (even the leaders). Several boys had trouble sleeping and I can remember a few of them saying that boys were out of bed and running around. The leaders would do a head count with a flash light and all would be accounted for.

I can remember it wasn’t until really early in the morning that I actually got to fall asleep. Between the noises and the leaders getting up to check the reports of kids out of bed, sleep finally came. But so did a disturbing nightmare. I dreamt that the house was full of kids that were wondering around confused, angry and crying. They would walk around as if trapped and stop to look at us (the Cubs) sleeping. Many of them had bleeding eyes, vicious bruises on the sides of their heads or black tongues. It was a really creepy dream.

The next day I slept all day once I got home. The visions of the kids in the Asylum stayed with me for a few days and then I eventually forgot about it.

Many years passed and I was now in high school. This is when I learned that the building was once an Asylum. I wanted to check it out, but the building was closed to the public, and only open to tours on special occasions. I did not dwell on it since there were many other things to investigate in the area.

Well, more years passed and I eventually got a job, wife and kids. Fifteen years passed and I found myself back in Cub Scouts as a volunteer leader. My son was now a Cub and, like the good ol’ days, we did a lot of sleepovers. I was excited to hear that we were sleeping over at the Fort. I thought the kids would love sleeping in the army barracks and the whole trip would be good.

Little did I know that we were not sleeping in the barracks. We were, indeed, sleeping in the Asylum. This was mildly disturbing… Actually, quite the mind grinder… (to keep the vernacular clean). Instantly a warning flag popped up in the back of my head, but the years had placed a thick layer of cobwebs between my memories and my mind. (I had forgotten the impact of the whole experience I had as a youth). The minute I walked into the building it all came back to me. The place was set out of time. It seemed time had not passed in here and it was identical to what it was when I was a kid. Knowing more about the building this time, I was a bit freaked by the still air and the feeling of a presence sensing that I had returned. Being an adult, I quickly swept away those thoughts and focused on the time at hand.

So, I had returned to the Asylum. Now I was the leader and we had about 12 kids sleeping on the floor. Of course the kids did not sleep. They heard the noises and were scared. (Someone must have let it slip that they were in an Asylum…hum…I wonder who it was…) Well, the running footsteps were back and other leaders started to comment on them. We did a head count and all the kids were in their sleeping bags. Some of the kids said they saw other kids out of bed and running around in the halls. So as leaders, we took turns checking on the kids through the night. I have to admit, I was really unnerved when I found myself walking through the Asylum halls and rooms at night with a little pocket flashlight. With every turn I took, I half believed I would see a horrified ghost child. But I did not see anything. (Thank God, because my wife would have left me if a returned home without the kid.)

I did manage enough courage to go upstairs to seek out the source of the footsteps. The second floor had several small rooms with the dim moonlight flooding into each of them, casting shadows across the floors. The rooms were mostly empty but all had a few items in them, a single chair or table. They all had old wooden floors that showed the markings where a table once was, or the legs of a bed. The second floor was eerily still… Actually that’s when I noticed that the running footsteps had stopped. I had a very cold chill and the strong feeling that I was the focus of attention. So I backed out slowly and returned to downstairs. The other leaders asked me what I saw. I told them the truth… Nothing. But none of them were willing to go upstairs on their turns to patrol the area.
Needless to say it was a long night and I did fall asleep early in the morning and I did again have the nightmares of the wondering kids with bleeding eyes and black tongues.

When I woke in the morning, the daylight made the building feel peaceful. I quickly swept away the nightmare as a lingering fear from the nightmare I had as a kid. I actually felt silly that I had gotten all worked up. Well, the Cub Scouts were in rough shape from the sleepless night and the kids were very groggy. Breakfast was being served outside at a picnic table. The conversation around the table was, of course, the creepy noises. I was barely paying attention to the kids’ conversations when I overheard one of the Cubs complain about dreaming about kids with bleeding eyes. (I think I nearly dropped the pancake I was flipping.) More kids talked about having the same dreams… Not all the kids but 5 or 6 (about half the group) …Even one of the leaders said he too dreamed of zombie like kids… So this set my freak level quite high and I was very glad once the day was over and parents were picking up their kids.

Of course… I was one of the last leaders to leave and on the way out I stopped and had a brief conversation with the groundskeeper? (I actually did not know who he was or why he was there, he just appeared and started talking to us about the Asylum.) He asked if I stayed in there overnight. I said yes. He said, “I’d never sleep in there.” Of course I asked why… He said, “Too many bad spirits… I hear them running around sometimes when I am here late in the afternoon. So I asked him, “Do you believe it is haunted?” He told me, “Yes.”

He was about 80 years old. He said his great aunt was committed to this Asylum as a child and that is what brought his family to Amherstburg. He said when she came out of that place she was never the same. His father (the aunt’s brother) said she was like a zombie and often cried when she looked at the place (being that they had moved only a few houses away across the street). He also told me that this Asylum was one of the first to use shock therapy and lobotomies in Canada. He said the doctor was a forerunner of science and would perfect his practice on new patients. The doctor talked his grandparents into moving to Amherstburg to help their daughter with the promise of a cure through new science. The conversation continued as my awe in his words deepened with every syllable. He continued… He said that the whole asylum was shut down only after about 10 years of use because the town was so upset over the treatment of the troubled kids that they chased the doctor out of town. The asylum was later converted into an orphanage and eventually surrendered to the town. Well, needless to say, the information from this nameless old man left me speechless and very troubled.

A couple of more years passed and I had forgotten again of the disturbing memories of the Asylum. It was movie night and I was watching Sucker Punch… The scene came up where they punched a steel spike into the brain of people through their eye socket… That’s when I realized that, that is what a lobotomy was. And finally that is when it all came together for me… (ok I am slow). The kids with the bloody eyes were victims of a lobotomy. The bruises on the heads were the shock therapy… The black tongues… Well, I still don’t know. But it all became a lot more real to me once it all added up.

So I did some research. The Asylum operated in the mid 1800s for only a decade. There were about 240 patients there at one time. They were worked as a free labor force. The patients ranged in age from 13 to 55, even mix of male and females. They used hydro therapy (cold/hot water submersions) shock therapy, lobotomies and drug therapy to treat all kinds of mental illnesses.

In my research I will have to say not much factual data is actually out there but I was surprised to find conditions that they considered treatable mental illnesses (especially in women). Many women that were locked up as patients were people that were perfectly sane (normal). Examples are women who had gotten pregnant before marriage or overly active, irregular menstrual conditions, women that were attracted to other women, people who had medical problems like fainting or seizures. Talking disorders or twitches and ticks. Many people who were imprisoned for dept or crimes were able to get an insanity plea so that they could be treated and possibly released. Apparently there is a list out there of all the inmates and their dispositions (released or deceased) and there is very few that make the released list.

I find this period of history the most disturbing as the instruments and infirmaries were very sanitary and wholesome appearing in intent… But the shady basements and reality was quite different in a horror film sort of way.
Bob.M Canada