Wednesday 8 October 2014


Real Ghost Story: The Haunting of the Old House in Bangladesh

 from (paranormal

By Monica M.
I’ve never really been a believer of the the supernatural.  As a 18 year growing up in the busy city of London in a neighbourhood which is always alive and full of lights there was nothing really to scare me, not until this summer.  This year I went back to my family home in Bangladesh for the first time and for my parents after 25 years. Our big old country home was in the middle of nowhere obviously with a forest just outside could not be any creepier, not a living soul had been on the grounds for a long time. Anyway, we were there for a month and it was one of the scariest experiences ever.
First of all little things would happen for instance I had a little photo of me and my boyfriend in my purse which I always keep safe however when I was there it disappeared. I looked everywhere, I later found out which could be a big coincidence but my two older sisters also had pictures with them in their purses that also went missing too. I never thought much of it until the villagers told their horror stories of the house, some used to swear on their lives they used to see a women in white walking the grounds 3am in the morning as they would make their way to morning prayer (mind you the ground’s were locked and no one lives there). I didn’t believe their stories and then things got worse.
Things started to go missing, sounds were heard, one night in particular I was sleeping and woke to a knock on the door, as I approached the door I heard another knock, I opened it immediately but there was no one there. This occurred every night at 12 past 3 in the morning, I even made my sister stay in the same room as me and she witnessed it.  Every night we were awake and only slept in the morning, soon we actually felt things pulling out feet and hair when we were in bed, always in the period of 1am to 4am and this is when we were fully awake and scared shit less must I say.
The most scariest experience happened 2 days before we were leaving to return to London.  Me and my sister were in bed and it had become our routine not to sleep at night so I was on my phone telling my friend about my paranormal experience,  I was busy with my phone and didn’t realise my sister was mumbling something. I turned to face her and saw her eyes rolled back and she’s speaking jibberish, I screamed in shock and kept screaming and after screaming for a good minute she snapped out of it and started screaming too. She started coming towards me and I pushed her away, we were actually physically fighting each other, funnily enough it was around 3 in the morning and what’s of more concern is we screamed at the top of our lungs and no one heard us. Everyone else was sound asleep. After calming down the both of us could not believe what happened, my sister could not remember what happened to her and what she said, other than when she snapped out of it and saw me screaming. All I know is for that moment that was not my sister speaking and different voice and a language I’ve never heard before.
Things in that house just kept getting worse I personally believe it took a life too, we bought a kitten which was healthy and playful just after a week of being in that house it lost weight dramatically it would not stand to be alone so much so it would sleep with us on the bed and then it started puking blood and then eventually died just with in a week, it was half the size than when we first bought it, we do not know what happened to it and neither could the vet tell us as well.
I came home to London but I will never forget what happened and I now know that the supernatural exists, I experienced it first hand. It can actually hurt you and mess with you physically and emotionally. I’m never going back to that house again.

if you have some real ghost stories, please email me at:

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